The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — July 8, 2020

The Patients

La réalité mixte au service des enfants présentant des troubles du spectre de l’autisme

Dans cette article, une présentation de la solution Hol’autisme de Actimage vous montrera comment la réalité augmentée peut être utiliser dans amelioration des conditions de vie des personnes autistes. Hol’Autisme est un catalogue d’applications en réalité mixte et une plateforme de suivi qui vise à aider les enfants et adolescents… Read more »

How Virtual Reality Video Games Are Helping Patients Regain Mobility

In this article you will discover an US gaming platform, MindMotion Go, used by medical people to help patients in the rehabilitation phase. One the the main advantages of this tool is the ability to use it with a very simple device, even at home. According to Dr. Preeti Raghavan,… Read more »

HTC VIVE Technology used in Penumbra’s REAL System for Stroke Patient Recovery

The REAL System is a portable VR rehabilitation solution for upper-extremity rehabilitation that can be used at the patient’s bedside, in a therapy gym, or in a mobile health location. The three main components of the system include the Vive Focus headset, a set of six sensors, and a tablet… Read more »

Quelles phobies peut-on soigner avec la réalité virtuelle ?

Un article assez court, qui reprend les bases de l’usages de la RV dans certains traitement de phobies. La réalité virtuelle marche très bien sur les phobies dites “spécifiques”. Cela regroupe notamment les peurs liées à un animal (chien, araignée…) ou à une situation précise (enfermement, vide…) et les phobies… Read more »

North Lincolnshire lung patients first in UK to be offered ‘virtual rehab’

In the North Lincolnshire, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) could now use a “VR kit” to help them in the rehabilitation phase. The software part of the kit is developed by Concept Health Technologies. The program is supported by NHS England after a pilote phase with impressive results.… Read more »

The Medical Staff

Swiss-based VirtaMed provides surgical training in hospitals with mobile simulation lab

As a global leader in medical simulation training, Swiss-based VirtaMed will use the coming months as a unique opportunity to provide courses with their latest surgical simulators in hospitals. From St. Gallen to Geneva, surgical departments will welcome a mobile simulation lab that is kitted out with virtual reality simulators… Read more »

En Grande-Bretagne, la NHS se réjouit des bénéfices de la formation des soignants en réalité virtuelle

L’étude dévoilée par la NIH (United Kingdom National Health Service) montre que la formation des personnels de santé pour traiter des patients atteints du COVID-19 tire un bénéfice important de l’utilisation de la réalité virtuelle. Non seulement l’efficacité de la transmission d’informations et de gestes est fortement accrue mais l’agilité… Read more »

Precision OS Launches Multiplayer Tool For VR Surgical Training

Multi-users function is now integrated in the “Precision OS” tools and allows people to learn surgical process together. The enhancement grants multiple users in different locations simultaneous access to the same learning module. The platform runs with the Oculus Quest headset, making it a portable and cost-effective option that could… Read more »

Surgical Superpowers: When Virtual Reality Becomes Real

In this article you will discover some of the top Seattle startups which work in immersive healthcare technologies like Pyrus Medical or Exonicus. There are not enough patients at every hospital to support the skills needed to do these kind of [complicated surgical] procedures,” Seslar says. “And so I think… Read more »

GWU uses VR to take you inside a coronavirus-damaged lung

Dr. Keith Mortman (George Washington University) and Surgical Theater have show a way to see lungs CT scan pictures thanks to virtual reality. They shown interesting facts in the effects of this disease. One discovery that’s particularly concerning is the fact that COVID-19 survivors may wind up with major, lasting… Read more »

The Healthcare Industries and Hospitals

Schwan Cosmetics : assurer la maintenance des machines avec la réalité augmentée

Ce cas d’usage explique comme Schwan Cosmetics utilise la réalité augmentée pour assurer la maintenance de ses outils partout dans le monde. Les machines requises pour la fabrication sont développées et produites par Schwan Cosmetics, dans son siège principal de Heroldsberg, près de Nuremberg, et sont exploitées sur huit sites… Read more »

Augmedics Employees Lead $15 Million Series B Financing to Secure and Successfully Launch Company Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Augmedics has closed a new round to secure the commercialization of the xvision Spine System. Augmedics, a pioneer in augmented reality surgical image guidance, has raised $15 million in Series B financing, led by its U.S. staff. In a nearly unprecedented move, the company’s employees formed… Read more »

FundamentalVR Expands Surgical Training Platform Support to Oculus Quest

The new version of FundamentalVR tool allows to use stand alone headsets from Oculus and HTC. It’s a major ecolution to decrease devices cost for users. British tech company FundamentalVR has been at the forefront of virtual reality (VR) training in the healthcare system, primarily focused on surgical education via… Read more »

AMRC produces AR headsets to manufacture medical ventilators

In UK, the creation of the “Ventilator Challenge UK” has request a rapid switch for industrial people. The use of augmented reality to acquire new skills has been crucial. Rather than putting wearers of the headset in a fully computer-generated world, as virtual reality does, HoloLens allows users to place… Read more »

XRHealth lève 7 millions de dollars pour développer ses applications thérapeutiques immersives

Les applications de XRHealth couvrent de nombreux champs thérapeutiques et elles sont prescrites par des médecins qui peuvent également suivre les évolutions de leurs patients. La start-up américaine XRHealth a levé 7 millions de dollars pour développer ses applications thérapeutiques en réalité augmentée. Les séances sont prescrites par un professionnel… Read more »

Research and meeting

Anne-Sophie Milcent : une thèse aux petits soins de l’interaction Humain-Machine

Les personnages virtuels sont-ils en capacité de générer des réactions émotionnelles et empathiques chez l’utilisateur ? Quels sont les facteurs qui peuvent induire l’empathie et comment ?Toutes ces questions, qui ne trouvent pas de réponse immédiate, elle les a mis au service de la Recherche, dans le cadre d’une thèse CIFRE, partageant… Read more »

Translating VR Research into Medical Impact with Walther Greenleaf Ph.D., webinar July 1st | 12:00 PM EDT

Dr. Walter Greenleaf will discuss his work and vision relative to the state-of-the-art virtual reality (VR) in the field of medicine and wellbeing. His talk will also highlight his insights on how scientific rigger and research is critical to the establishment of viable new knowledge and products for medical use… Read more »

Harvis: an interactive virtual reality tool for hemodynamic modification and simulation

In this article, authors present new vascular simulations with VR visualisation. We thus developed Harvis, a software platform with a flexible GUI for performing vascular simulations and a VR-capable interface for geometry modification and flow visualization. The aim of Harvis is to streamline and integrate this process for research use… Read more »

Ki‐67 proliferation index in neuroendocrine tumors: Can augmented reality microscopy with image analysis improve scoring

In this article, authors compare several Ki‐67 scoring methods to those which use a augmented reality microscope. Conclusions discuss balance between rapidity and accuracy. The Ki‐67 index is important for grading neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) in cytology. However, different counting methods exist. Recently, augmented reality microscopy (ARM) has enabled real‐time image… Read more »

Integrating augmented reality tools in breast cancer related lymphedema prognostication and diagnosis

In this article, authors present a method of 3D measure in order to diagnosis BCRL. Breast cancer related lymphedema (BCRL) is a detrimental condition characterized by fluid accumulation in the upper limb in breast cancer patients subjected to axillary surgery and/or radiations. Its etiology is multifactorial and include also tumor-specific… Read more »

“Collateral” news

Diligent Robotics raises $10 million for nurse assistant robot Moxi

Moxi is designed to reduce nurse workloads by handling tasks like collecting supplies, gathering soiled linens, and delivering fresh ones, and it’s coming to market during the COVID-19 crisis, when nurses are in short supply. In addition to tackling mundane aspects of the job, the robot can also help reduce… Read more »

Un nouveau diplôme universitaire sur l’intelligence artificielle appliquée à la santé

La formation, pilotée par l’unité mixte de développement professionnel continu en santé (UMDPCS), le département du service commun de formation continue et par alternance de l’université de Bourgogne (SEFCA), a été conçue en partenariat avec plusieurs organismes : CESI École d’ingénieurs, le CHU Dijon Bourgogne, le Centre Hospitalier Georges-François Leclerc et… Read more »

L’Institut Curie et Swiss Life veulent prédire l’efficacité de l’immunothérapie contre le cancer grâce à l’IA

Les deux partenaires lancent un challenge pour aider à la sélection des meilleurs traitements et ainsi améliorer le pronostic vital des malades. Le traitement du cancer évolue régulièrement grâce au développement de nouveaux traitements, mais chaque patient répond différemment aux thérapies. C’est en partant de ce constat que l’assureur Swiss… Read more »

The digital future of the healthcare industry

Look at this travel in the close future for healthcare, done by authors from the “NHS Long Term Plan” (UK). Revolutions? By 2030, artificial intelligence (AI) will be used to help clinicians in applying best practice and supporting patients in managing their health and condition. Predictive techniques will be used… Read more »

The devices, software and other health tech headlines of CES 2020

In this article, author lists many connected devices presented at the last CES. Always between health and wellness, these products will easy everyday life (we hope!) but also highlight the problem of personal data. CES is back again with scores of new consumer tech products in tow, and digital health… Read more »

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