The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — December 2021

Hello, this is a short summary of my technological watch on this amazing domain of immersive technology in healthcare ! If you want to get news in “real time”, follow us on Twitter and read your articles on

Hello, here is the last review of 2021 and, I’m afraid, it’s a bit short 🙂 Yes I probably need to spend more time in my watch. To be honest, it’s difficult theses days to find interesting news without the word “Metaverse” and, as you may known, this word is a perfect indicator of a WTF-article (99% chance).

But you can find below a application to fight spiders fear, the first full VR classroom at Stanford and a (of course) some 2022 forecasts!

Happy new year!

Virtual Reality Therapy for Suicide Prevention Training December 31, 2021

The Department of Veterans Affairs has been at the forefront of using virtual reality to help treat patients. However, it’s not just veterans that are … Read more

Augmented reality helps tackle fear of spiders December 30, 2021

Researchers from the University of Basel have developed an augmented reality app for smartphones in order to help people reduce their fear of spiders. The … Read more

Medical use of virtual reality shows promise December 29, 2021

Medical providers in the workers compensation sector have successfully reduced their reliance on opioids to help injured workers manage their pain, and some are experimenting … Read more

Stanford launches first class taught completely in virtual reality December 30, 2021

Communication professor Jeremy Bailenson has formatted his class COMM 166/266: “Virtual People” to take place in virtual reality (VR) after 20 years of teaching the … Read more

NUHS testing AI, AR to help locate hard-to-find veins in some patients, Tech News News & Top Stories December 29, 2021

The National University Health System (NUHS) announced on Friday (Dec 3) that a team under it has developed AI software that can be used with … Read more

Extended reality can make medical training more adaptable December 28, 2021

Replacing actors pretending to be patients with holographic videos that can be generated anywhere can make the hands-on part of medical education cheaper and more … Read more

Virtual reality training at Lakeland immerses surgical technology students into 3-D operating room December 28, 2021

The surgical technology program at Lakeland Community College recently acquired new software intending to give students a feel for what it’s like to work in … Read more

2022 forecast: AR, VR poised to send medtech into the next dimension January 1, 2022

A recent market research report estimated that between 2021 and 2026, the market for virtual reality in healthcare will grow by nearly 35% annually, swelling … Read more

A new study suggests VR could aid research on the brain December 27, 2021

That’s according to a team from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. It conducted a study to monitor neural … Read more

Virtual reality tool to be used in the fight against disease December 2, 2021

Science has the technology to measure the activity of every gene within a single individual cell, and just one experiment can generate thousands of cells … Read more

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