
The Augmented Reality (almost) monthly — January, 3 2020

A week before the famous CES in Las Vegas, the news are calm in the AR world. We just notice increase of AR uses in beauty sector (again) through social network and not apps. We see with the new ‘Jumanji’ experience that webAR is more and more adapted to communication actions. We have also a […]

CES 2020, une année de maturité pour la réalité augmentée ?

Après les fêtes de fin d’année, il est de tradition de se préparer au grand rendez-vous mondial de la « Consumer Technology », le CES de Las Vegas. Il se tiendra cette année du 7 au 10 janvier et je vous propose comme tous les ans une veille orientée sur les annonces en réalité augmentée (avec un […]

The Augmented Reality (almost) monthly — September 2, 2019

Leap Motion’s Project North Star As usual, September means “back to work” for many of us. Let’s look at AR news of this summer! First of all, we can find more and more AR uses in every domains of our everyday life. And it’s not only the basic 3D model floating over a picture. Applications […]

The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest

The Patients Is Virtual Reality the ultimate empathy machine for racism? In this article Jeremy Bailenson, co-producer of 1,000 Cut Journey movie talks about the real action of VR on people behavior, especially if they are “as though they are in the body of someone else”. The Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University and […]

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